Welcome. You’ve found Feelings, Inc.


Oh good. You’re here. How was the traffic? How was the weather? Nice day today. Unless, of course, it isn’t a nice day. I suppose it depends on where you are. And what kind of days you like.


You’re new here, but don’t worry. Soon it will all seem a song. Feelings, Inc is an entity: publishing house, publication, personal record. An umbrella of sorts, though it won’t keep you very dry. Be sure to pack an umbrella umbrella, mind you: can’t have you catching a cold or a hot, or a lukewarm. Dreadful, those lukewarms. You may explore the many arms of our humble umbrella here by navigating the links above. You may also choose to veer off the path. You may also choose to leave, though we were expecting you and have been waiting and would be very pleased if you stuck around.


Tenderness // Poetry



Pantry // Zine

WIP // Quarterly


The Architect

The Architect built Feelings, Inc a very long time ago. It was only recently uncovered in 2021, after a long and contentious and arduous and sticky excavation. In many ways, it is still under construction. The Architect is aware, and prefers it this way. You may come to find that you yourself enjoy the fluctuating nature of Feelings, Inc.


This is not the end.